WAYSofENLICHENMENT.net, designed by Jason Hollinger, is our internet portal to the lichens and vascular plants of northwest North America. Also to the wilds of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Here are some recent postings: Wildlife Corridor; Ahti Profile; Place Map.
At Enlichened Consulting LTD, we offer the following services:
*** Lichen & Plant Identification: reliable, competitive; projects large and small. Northwest North America and beyond. Contact us for a schedule of fees.
*** Floristic Surveys & Rare Species Research: Here are some samples of our work: Wells Gray Plants 2011; Hells Canyon Inventory 2010; BC Macrolichens 2010.
*** Ecological Research & Statistical Analysis: We enjoy finding the best approach for the ecological narrative at hand: Plant Distribution 2010; Bryoria 1998; Fire 2000.
*** Taxonomic Studies & Identification Guides: With two dozen new plant and lichen species and genera described so far (and many more waiting in the wings), we like to think of ourselves as “biodiversity hounds”: new lichen species; new plant species. We also enjoy writing popular and semi-popular guidebooks: guidebooks.
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Contact us at: enlichened@gmail.com
Our home place, Edgewood Blue, is dedicated to outdoor education, research support, and outreach:
*** Field Courses in Botany & Ecology: We love to teach. Give us a topic, get some friends together, set a date, and we’ll be ready for you. Check our publications list for interests and expertise: Trevor’s publications, Curtis’ publications.
*** Personal Tutoring in Natural History: Our student live with us for a period of weeks or months. Intensive: suitable for dedicated naturalists only. Contact us for terms.
*** Wells Gray Research Library: We maintain a library of reports and publications on the natural and human history of the Clearwater Valley and Wells Gray Provincial Park.
Contact us at: trevor.goward@botany.ubc.ca